Poker Run Rules

The SuperCat Fest West Poker run is unlike any other “Poker Run” in the country.   What you do is collect receipts for anything and everything from the time you come into town!   For every 100.00 you spend you get a card!   If you spend money with SuperCat Fest West Sponsors then for every 100.00 you spend you get 2 cards!   

This applies to literally everything!  From Hotel / Vrbo, Fuel, Food, Bar Tabs, boat services, and anything you can think of!

 Pro Tip* – Many people over the last few years have prepaid for work they will be having done to their boat or other toys during that time period to boost the #’s!   

Maximum dollar amount for receipts turn in is 10,000.00!   That would yield 20 hands, or potentially 40 hands if spent with sponsors!   

The dates the receipts for this year are from April 4 – 12, where you can turn in your receipts at the Horizon Motorsports Charity Auction!   

Sponsors will be listed below.   

Kicker Marine AudioDCBRiver Dave's PlaceDemon Bikini